Business and Residential IT Services

JHB&A provide a full-range of IT services to homes and businesses. 

What is ISBS?

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JHB&A Web Services

A complete range of web development, management, and hosting services including:

  • Acquiring free

  • designing, developing, and deploying:

  • Free Promotional Websites

  • Business Websites

  • Business pages for the following Social Networks:

    • Facebook

    • Twitter

    • LinkedIn

Need More Information Regarding Our Web Services?

Please click the following button:

Web Services Brochure



We provide a complete range of services for CCTV and IP surveillance camera systems for our businesses and residential customers, respectively. These services include surveillance camera system installation, configuration, and on-going technical support. We support all leading brand surveillance cameras and can usually integrated your new camera into your existing network without adding new network hardware. Our surveillance camera services include:

  • Developing a detail site survey of your facility with recommended locations for indoor and/or outdoor surveillance cameras.
  • Specifying the location and type network connection for each of the recommended surveillance cameras. Type network connections include:
    • Wireless,
    • Coax connected, and;
    • Power-over-Ethernet (PoE).
  • Specifying the surveillance features of each camera:
    • Motion Detection.
    • Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ).
    • Night Vision.
    • Two-Way Audio.
    • External Interface to Alarm System.
    • Video Patrol-Mode.

Need More InformationRegarding Our Surveillance Camera Systems?

Please click the appropriate button below:

Business Surveillance Camera System Brochure

Residential Surveillance Camera System Brochure

ISBS: "Professional Quality, Low-Prices, and Unconditional Guarantee!"

J. H. BARNES & ASSOCIATES LLC (JHB&A) is a Registered Member of the Microsoft Partner Network and has been in business for more than fifteen years. We have a state-of-the-art development and testing environment, all web services and surveillance camera systems are thoroughly tested before being delivered to our customers. We provide free life-time technical support for all web services and surveillance camera systems. Additionally, if a customers is dissatisfied with any of our products and services, and we cannot correct the problem to their satisfaction, we will gladly refund their money. JHB&A; More than 15 years in business.

Click here to get more information or a free quote.



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